Syringe Filters

Our Syringe Filters are high quality, well packaged and sold at a fair competitive price. They are available in most of the major membrane materials including Nylon, PTFE, PES, MCE, PVDF, CA, PP, and GF which are supplied in 13mm, 17mm, 25mm and 30mm formats in virgin polypropylene housings.

Despite the attractive pricing, the emphasis is very much on quality. Membrane materials are supplied by the best names in the industry and the ISO9000 certified manufacturing is carried out to the highest standards, in certified clean room conditions, using the latest manufacturing technology to ensure a high quality, consistent product. All the syringe filters are HPLC certified.

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Nylon, Non-sterile Nylon, Sterile PTFE Hydrophobic, Non-sterile PTFE Hydrophobic, Sterile
PTFE Hydrophilic, Non-sterile PTFE Hydrophilic, Sterile PVDF, Non-sterile PVDF, Sterile
PES, Non-sterile PES, Sterile CA, Non-sterile CA, Sterile
MCE, Non-sterile MCE, Sterile GF, Non-sterile GF, Sterile

Nylon, Non-sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFNY013022N Millipore SLGN013NK
Whatman 6789-1302
Pall 4427
$124.33 80%
0.22μm, 17mm 100 SFNY017022N National Scientific F2513-2
Titan 42213-NN

$134.32 61%
0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFNY025022N Millipore SLHNBZ5NZ
Whatman 6750-2502
Pall 4436
$125.75 78%
0.22μm, 30mm 100 SFNY030022N National Scientific F2500-2
Titan 42225-NN

$192.97 56%
0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFNY013045N Millipore SLHN013NL
Whatman 6789-1304
Pall 4426
$124.33 73%
0.45μm, 17mm 100 SFNY017045N National Scientific F2513-1
Titan 44513-NN

$150.51 56%
0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFNY025045N Millipore SLHNDZ5NK
Whatman 6750-2504
Pall 4438
$149.27 58%
0.45μm, 30mm 100 SFNY030045N National Scientific F2500-1
Titan 44526-NN

$192.97 56%

Nylon syringe filters offer universal application for analytical procedures. Hydrophilic Nylon is ideal for aqueous (non-acidic) or organic sample prep and HPLC, GC or dissolution sample analysis. With its excellent flow characteristics, very low extractable levels and mechanical stability, Nylon offers the best combination of physical parameters to meet the most stringent analytical needs. The naturally hydrophilic, high protein binding and high dirt loading capacity of Nylon are natural advantages.

Nylon, Sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFNY013022S Whatman 6786-1302
$169.51 73%
0.22μm, 17mm 100 SFNY017022S
$176.39 56%
0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFNY025022S
$217.59 41%
0.22μm, 30mm 100 SFNY030022S
$198.27 56%
0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFNY013045S Whatman 6786-1304
$169.51 73%
0.45μm, 17mm 100 SFNY017045S
$157.22 56%
0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFNY025045S
$217.59 41%
0.45μm, 30mm 100 SFNY030045S
$198.27 56%

Sterile Nylon Filters are individually wrapped, certified RNase-free, DNase-free, and DNA-free and Non-pyrogenic

PTFE Hydrophobic, Non-sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFPTFE013022NB Millipore SLFG013NL
Whatman 6784-1302
Pall 4423
$111.46 62%
0.22μm, 17mm 100 SFPTFE017022NB National Scientific F2513-4
Titan 42213-NP

$174.06 56%
0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFPTFE025022NB Millipore SLFG025NS
Whatman 6784-2502
Pall 4225
$147.56 72%
0.22μm, 30mm 100 SFPTFE030022NB National Scientific F2500-4
Titan 42225-NP

$177.42 56%
0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFPTFE013045NB Millipore SLFH013NL
Whatman 6784-1304
Pall 4422
$111.46 62%
0.45μm, 17mm 100 SFPTFE017045NB National Scientific F2513-3
Titan 44513-NP

$174.06 56%
0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFPTFE025045NB Millipore SLFH025NS
Whatman 6784-2504
Pall 4219
$147.56 72%
0.45μm, 30mm 100 SFPTFE030045NB National Scientific F2500-3
Titan 44525-NP

$177.42 56%

Hydrophobic PTFE syringe filters have broad chemical compatibility, high pH resistance.. They are versatile filters for use with aggressive organic solvent-based solutions and are especially ideal for HPLC sample preparation. The Pure polypropylene housings are color-coded and available in smooth rim or gear rim formats.

PTFE Hydrophobic, Sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFPTFE013022SB Whatman 6775-1302
$130.50 73%
0.22μm, 17mm 100 SFPTFE017022SB
$179.46 56%
0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFPTFE025022SB Millipore SLFG025LS
$221.56 49%
0.22μm, 30mm 100 SFPTFE030022SB
$229.08 56%
0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFPTFE013045SB Whatman 6775-1304
$188.34 62%
0.45μm, 17mm 100 SFPTFE017045SB
$179.46 56%
0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFPTFE025045SB
$221.56 40%
0.45μm, 30mm 100 SFPTFE030045SB
$229.08 56%

Sterile PTFE Hydrophobic Filters are individually wrapped, certified RNase-free, DNase-free, and DNA-free and Non-pyrogenic

PTFE Hydrophilic, Non-sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFPTFE013022NL Millipore SLLGC13NL
$176.21 38%
0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFPTFE025022NL Millipore SLLGC25NS
$176.49 64%
0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFPTFE013045NL Millipore SLCR013NL
$167.03 46%
0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFPTFE025045NL Millipore SLCR025NS
$176.49 66%

Hydrophilic PTFE syringe filters have broad chemical compatibility, high pH resistance and are optically clear when wet with water. They are versatile filters for use with aqueous and aggressive organic solvent-based solutions and are especially ideal for HPLC sample preparation. The Pure polypropylene housings are color-coded and available in smooth rim or gear rim formats.

PTFE Hydrophilic, Sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFPTFE013022SL $220.43 42%
0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFPTFE025022SL $292.18 42%
0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFPTFE013045SL $220.43 42%
0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFPTFE025045SL $292.18 42%

Sterile PTFE Hydrophilic Filters are individually wrapped, certified RNase-free, DNase-free, and DNA-free and Non-pyrogenic

PVDF, Non-sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFPVDF013022N Millipore SLGV013NL
Whatman 6779-1302
Pall 4455
$111.46 66%
0.22μm, 17mm 100 SFPVDF017022N National Scientific F2513-6
Titan 42213-PV

$128.40 56%
0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFPVDF025022N Millipore SLGV025NS
Whatman 6746-2502
Pall 4406
$127.18 78%
0.22μm, 30mm 100 SFPVDF030022N National Scientific F2500-6
Titan 42225-PV

$177.42 56%
0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFPVDF013045N Millipore SLHV013NL
Whatman 6779-1304
Pall 4457
$99.72 69%
0.45μm, 17mm 100 SFPVDF017045N National Scientific F2513-5
Titan 44513-PV

$111.46 62%
0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFPVDF025045N Millipore SLHV025NS
Whatman 6746-2504
Pall 4408
$127.18 78%
0.45μm, 30mm 100 SFPVDF030045N National Scientific F2500-5
Titan 44525-PV

$177.42 56%

PVDF (Hydrophobic Polyvinylidene fluoride) syringe filters are ideal for a wide range of mild organic solutions. Please note: PVDF membrane is not recommended for use with acetone, DMF, DMSO, or bases >6N.

PVDF, Sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFPVDF013022S Millipore SLGV013SL
Whatman 6760-1302
$188.34 45%
0.22μm, 17mm 100 SFPVDF017022S

$179.46 56%
0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFPVDF025022S

$221.56 46%
0.22μm, 30mm 100 SFPVDF030022S

$229.08 56%
0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFPVDF013045S Whatman 6760-1304

$188.34 50%
0.45μm, 17mm 100 SFPVDF017045S

$179.46 56%
0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFPVDF025045S

$221.56 46%
0.45μm, 30mm 100 SFPVDF030045S

$229.08 56%

Sterile PVDF Filters are individually wrapped, certified RNase-free, DNase-free, and DNA-free and Non-pyrogenic

PES, Non-sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFPES013022N Whatman 6782-1302

$143.87 61%
0.22μm, 17mm 100 SFPES017022N National Scientific F2500-17
Titan 42213-PS
0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFPES025022N Whatman 6786-2502
Pall 4506
$150.10 78%
0.22μm, 30mm 100 SFPES030022N

0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFPES013045N Whatman 6782-1304

$143.87 71%
0.45μm, 17mm 100 SFPES017045N National Scientific F2500-15
Titan 44513-PS
0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFPES025045N Whatman 6786-2504
Pall 4508
$150.10 78%
0.45μm, 30mm 100 SFPES030045N


PES(Polyethersulfone) syringe filters have an extremely low affinity for proteins and extractable with substantially faster flow rates than PVDF; suitable for pre-filtration and filtration of buffers and culture media.

PES, Sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFPES013022S Pall 4602

$188.34 24%
0.22μm, 17mm 100 SFPES017022S

0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFPES025022S Whatman 6780-2502
Pall 4612
$221.56 29%
0.22μm, 30mm 100 SFPES030022S

0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFPES013045S Pall 4604

$188.34 24%
0.45μm, 17mm 100 SFPES017045S

0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFPES025045S Whatman 6780-2504
Pall 4614
$221.56 29%
0.45μm, 30mm 100 SFPES030045S


Sterile PES Filters are individually wrapped, certified RNase-free, DNase-free, and DNA-free and Non-pyrogenic

CA, Non-sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFCA013022N
$143.87 60%
0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFCA025022N
$150.10 58%
0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFCA013045N Whatman 6771-1304
$143.87 60%
0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFCA025045N
$150.10 58%

CA syringe filters are suitable for the filtration of aqueous solutions. Cellulose Acetate combines high flow rates and thermal stability with very low absorption characteristics. 0.22μm pore size CA Membrane especially suited for sterilization aqueous solutions, buffers, sera and media.

CA, Sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFCA013022S $188.34 41%
0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFCA025022S $221.56 41%
0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFCA013045S $188.34 41%
0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFCA025045S $221.56 41%

Sterile CA Filters are individually wrapped, certified RNase-free, DNase-free, and DNA-free and Non-pyrogenic

MCE, Non-sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFMCE013022N Millipore SLGS013NB
$134.18 57%
0.22μm, 17mm 100 SFMCE017022N
$168.03 56%
0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFMCE025022N Millipore SLGS025NB
$148.26 53%
0.22μm, 30mm 100 SFMCE030022N
$175.48 56%
0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFMCE013045N Millipore SLHA013NB
$134.18 57%
0.45μm, 17mm 100 SFMCE017045N
$168.03 56%
0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFMCE025045N Millipore SLHA025NB
$148.26 53%
0.45μm, 30mm 100 SFMCE030045N
$175.48 56%

MCE (Mixed Cellulose Ester) syringe filters are an ideal choice when biological samples are involved. Mixed Cellulose is a hydrophilic membrane offering both low protein binding coefficients and exceptional flow rates.

MCE, Sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFMCE013022S $188.34 40%
0.22μm, 17mm 100 SFMCE017022S $181.95 56%
0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFMCE025022S $221.56 40%
0.22μm, 30mm 100 SFMCE030022S $234.09 56%
0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFMCE013045S $188.34 40%
0.45μm, 17mm 100 SFMCE017045S $181.95 56%
0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFMCE025045S $221.56 40%
0.45μm, 30mm 100 SFMCE030045S $234.09 56%

Sterile MCE Filters are individually wrapped, certified RNase-free, DNase-free, and DNA-free and Non-pyrogenic

GF, Non-sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.70μm, 13mm 100 SFGF013070N
$134.18 40%
0.70μm, 25mm 100 SFGF025070N
$142.23 40%
1.00μm, 13mm 100 SFGF013100N
$134.18 40%
1.00μm, 25mm 100 SFGF025100N Millipore SLAP02550
$142.23 46%
PP, 0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFPP013022N
$134.18 40%
PP, 0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFPP025022N
$142.23 40%
PP, 0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFPP013045N
$134.18 40%
PP, 0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFPP025045N
$142.23 40%

Glass fiber syringe filters are designed for clarification of extremely viscous samples that may foul a typical membrane filter. Moreover, this product has a high contamination loading ability for high throughputs.

GF, Sterile

Specs Filters/Pk Catalog # Comparable To Qty Our Price You Save
0.70μm, 13mm 100 SFGF013070S $188.34 40%
0.70μm, 25mm 100 SFGF025070S $221.56 40%
1.00μm, 13mm 100 SFGF013100S $188.34 40%
1.00μm, 25mm 100 SFGF025100S $221.56 40%
PP, 0.22μm, 13mm 100 SFPP013022S $188.34 40%
PP, 0.22μm, 25mm 100 SFPP025022S $221.56 40%
PP, 0.45μm, 13mm 100 SFPP013045S $188.34 40%
PP, 0.45μm, 25mm 100 SFPP025045S $221.56 40%

Sterile GF Filters are individually wrapped, certified RNase-free, DNase-free, and DNA-free and Non-pyrogenic